Thr3e 2 DVD


Your look at Thr3e on DVD@!You don’t usually hear a DVD release announcement less than a week after a movie has opened in theaters, but I guess when your movie only opens up on 458 movie screens and still manages to gross less than another film that’s only playing on 44 screens then you might as well cut your losses and announce the DVD.

According to Box Office Mojo, the totals for last weekend:

Thr3e – 22nd place – 458 screens – $700,000
Pan’s Labyrinth – 21st place – 44 screens – $763,795


So if you’re reading this right now then odds are you are one of the millions and millions of people that did not rush out this past weekend to see the ludicrous Christian serial killer flick Thr3e, the first film from Fox Faith Films, a new division of 20th Century Fox geared towards Christian audiences. That makes Thr3e an even odder choice for a debut given that it’s a serial killer movie (albeit one with only two dead bodies, one of which was a dog) and if not for the Fox Faith logo before the movie you’d probably never even realize the movie you were watching was supposed to be an expressly Christian oriented movie and not just another dopey Hollywood-produced thriller about a serial killer with a religious bent to it. If you haven’t already, I’d recommend reading my review of Thr3e, the best damn Christian serial killer movie ever made with both an exploding doghouse and an exploding refrigerator.

Since Thr3e probably won’t be on what few movie screens it has been on for much longer, the DVD release of the monumentally stupid thriller from best-selling Christian author Ted Dekker is already set for April 24th. DVD Active received word from Fox Home Entertainment about the DVD release that will come with both anamorphic widescreen and full screen presentations, along with English Dolby Digital 5.1 tracks. But for the $26.98 suggested retail price the only extra you’ll get is the film’s trailer, a damn shame because this film was screaming for a commentary track and since this is a Christian movie I’d assume the people involved would have to be honest. Perhaps not baring false witness about the true quality of Thr3e is why there aren’t any more extras…

The Foywonder

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