Trailer & Photos for Them


Ils (aka Them) pictureBy now I’m sure you’ve heard of the French movie Them (aka Ils) more than a few times, especially if you’re one who keeps their ears perked for lesser-known horror movies.

Those Canadian creatures at have recently acquired a batch of stills and the new trailer for the film to help increase you’re acquaintance with the French thriller. And if you’ve never heard of it before, what better place to start?

Them is the story of a teacher and her partner who move into a large, rambling house in the woods on the outskirts of Bucharest, Romania. At first their life there seems almost too perfect, but when night falls and the strange voices that come from their constantly ringing telephone are a minor indication of what is watching them, ready to make their lives a living hell.

Click here to see the trailer and here to see more pics, but of course you should read our review of Them before you do either!

Johnny Butane

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