A Look at What the USPS Doesn’t Want You to See

You know … sometimes things happen that are nothing short of a complete and total affirmation that some of the people out there who are in positions of power are steadily sending the notion of rational thought to hell in a handbasket. Case in point: Promotional postcards printed up for journalists to spread awareness of Adam Rifkin’s latest thriller Look have been deemed obscene by the United States Post Office and as a result couldn’t be sent out. Of course we have them here for you.
The images below, with the exception of the one directly addressing me, had to be mailed in envelopes instead of conventional means. Now let me say right off the bat Look is more drama than it is horror, but this situation was so absolutely ludicrous that we just had to report on it. Look hits DVD on May 5th, 2009. Pre-order the flick below.

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