Exclusive: New Stills From The Pick Up

Fever Dreams’ Flesh for the Beast is a bit of a guilty pleasure here around the Dread Central offices. While it broke no new ground, it did tread the old in a very serviceable way. Turns out there’s a prequel to the sequel Flesh for the Beast II in the works that is coming in the form of a short film called “The Pick Up”, and we’ve scored you some hot little stills along with the artwork!
Brian Spears of Gerner & Spears Effects dropped us a line today with a look at the goods.
“The Pick Up” will be the link between the two Flesh films and was directed by Carl Morano and John Carchietta, with Fever producers Georgia Haege, Chris Cusano and Sergio Jones also reporting for acting duty! You can catch the world premiere at Chiller Theatre in NJ next weekend.
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