Hilarious New Dread Central Fan Art

You know why we love you guys? Because you make us laugh as much as we make you laugh. We have this mutual bond that runs as deep as my hatred for Strawberry Estates! Some new fan art made it into our mailboxes today, and we just had to give you guys props!
I just want to say on behalf of the staff that this is really touching, and all kidding aside, we are honored. Truly. We salute you, you badass motherfuckers!
The first comes from Dave K. and is in honor of our latest episode of Dinner for Fiends. Dave writes in, “I was going to make a picture of Foy with a broomstick up his ass getting elbowed by the chick from Blood Predator, but I thought to myself What Would Jesus Do?”

The next three come from our good friend from south of the Border, Joel, aka El Regio Dude, aka Alex O!
This first one is pretty self-explanatory. HELL YEAH!
Next up from left to right are Joe Lynch, Butane, Creepy, and Adam Green making Let’s Just Agree to be Gay the movie!
And finally — our favorite! The Dread Central Chorus — In the bottom row: Foy (in a fan-made Bigfoot costume), Debi, Heather W., and Butane with Jason homo-erotically shaving his skull. Top row: Nomad, Kasch, Creepy, Buz, and Condit.
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