Exclusive: God of Vampires Video Interview!


God of Vampires video interivew!God of Vampires is a bit of a legend in and around New England, so I was very happy to be able to be one of the first to review it, as well as get a chance to talk to It’s creator, Rob Fitz, about the long and troubled history of his indie kung-fu vampire film. Six years in the making, the story of how it all came together is, indeed, an interesting one and I hope that somehow, someday, the whole thing can be told.

You see, as with seemingly all things video-related to this site, I had some real issues getting this thing put together. After weeks of work on it, of which the actual editing was a very small part of, I finally had it ready to go in two pieces, five minutes each.

Then my hard drive decided it didn’t like all that footage I had and caused even more issues, which left me with only one part of a two-part interview. Attempts to salvage the second part from a my computer were, alas, for naught, so as it stands now you may never really know how this thing ended. Too bad, too, there were a lot of explosions and naked ladies.

For now, though, enjoy Part 1 of my video interview with Rob Fitz by smacking below!

Johnny Butane

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