Mountains of Madness a Masterpiece?


I’ve read a few scripts in my days working for one website or another, but I can honestly say I was never as excited for any of them as El Mayimbe is about the script for Guillermo del Toro’s At the Mountains of Madness. Honestly if it were anyone else’s script I would have to call shenanigans on this script review just posted at Latino Review but since it’s del Toro, I bet it’s all he says it is and more. Here’s a sampling;

“To the studio – Are you guys’ pussies?! Do you realize the blockbuster you are sitting on? Who cares if there is no love story or supposed happy ending?! You got a horror and science fiction masterpiece collecting dust at the studio! Trust me, the horror crowd will come out in droves to see this! All those horror geeks will bring their girlfriends. Use those cartel drug dealer profits that Transformers is going to make at the box office and make this!”

Heh … Cartel drug dealer profits for Transformers. That makes me grin.

So apparently the script for At the Mountains of Madness is about as good as any horror/sci fi geek could ever hope for and then some. Massive monsters, 8-foot penguins, Old Ones, and Ron Perlman kicking ass. I’ve not even read the script and I will agree with one part of it whole-heartidly; This is the script Guillermo needs to do next.

Check out the whole review right here!

Johnny Butane

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