Five Minutes of Golden Bat April Foolishness

Being April 1st, today is a day when many will try to fool you. I thought instead of a trick, I might prepare a treat: five and a half minutes of Golden Bat foolishness!
If you’re not familiar with Golden Bat, then you clearly haven’t been listening to any of the latest Dinner For Fiends or the Foyday the 13th Foycast where it was discussed for a half hour or read my extensive dissection over at my own personal website Once I turned Uncle Creepy on to this obscure gonzo 1966 Japanese superhero flick, we haven’t stopped bringing it up.
Only the Japanese could conjure up a motion picture with a superhero that has a gap-toothed skeleton head clad in a shiny jumpsuit and high-collared cape combination that would make both Liberace and Gene Simmons green with envy out to save Earth from an extraterrestrial threat in the form of a self-professed tyrannical ruler of the universe that looks like a cheap chipmunk costume that’d be used in a library production of Wind in the Willows but with four robo visor eyes and the sort of metal claw hand typically only seen on pre-Atomic Age movie robots and Inspector Gadget adversaries. And let us not forget the evil Nazo, Ruler of the Universe, travels around in what appears to be a giant drywall screw with glowing eyes.
Choosing from no shortage of magical moments, I put together this Golden Bat montage showcasing some of that film’s epic insanity with an emphasis on Nazo spazzing out, assorted feats of campy overacting, bizarro sound effects, state-of-the-art special effects work, Golden Bat‘s theme song, and let’s not forget all the soothing maniacal cackling that both our hero and villain can muster. Unless you’ve actually seen the movie with your own eyes, you cannot begin to fully fathom just how much lunacy can be packed into a 70-minute movie. On this April Fool’s Day you’re about to get a five-and-a-half-minute taste of mind-blowing hilarity that is Golden Bat. Enjoy.
– The Foywonder
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