Enter the Devil’s Den


Devil's Den on DVD (click to see it bigger)We’ve been wondering what the hell is going on with Jeff Burr’s latest horror outing, Devil’s Den, pretty much since we first heard about it. It’s strange when a horror flick is made and nothing is ever said about it, don’t you think?

If you need a refresher, Devil’s Den stars Devon (Final Destination) Sawa as a Spanish-fly smuggler who finds a sexy club full of hot ladies and no cover charge after he has his partner successfully complete a job. It really is too good to be true, as the bar is full of the devil’s hoes who are looking to recruit an army of flesh-eating ghouls. Ken Foree and Kelly Hu also star.

Anchor Bay will be unleashing the Devil’s Den on DVD come Febuary 13th, 2007. Whether or not it’ll be a quality blood-n-sluts horror movie or another Stephen J. Cannell production-caliber dud is unknown, but you can rest assured we’ll let you know as soon as we do!

Feel free to take a chance and pre-order it through Evilshop!

Johnny Butane

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