Behind the Bloodrayne


It sure has been quiet from the world of Uwe Boll since AFM, hasn’t it? Yeah, it has… a little too quiet…

That’s because, as usual, the Mad German is making himself a movie; specifically Bloodrayne 2: Deliverence, up in sunny Vancouver. At least it should be sunny, but according to those on set it’s anything but ideal shooting conditions.

We just got a heads up that there’s a new video over at Pitch Page from the set of Bloodrayne 2 that, similar to the one that showed up a few weeks back for Postal, is probably not 100% work safe. There’s a lot of swearing, you see. And people ripping on the good Doctor. No boobs, though. Sorry.

Click here to check it out now!

Johnny Butane

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Wonder if you could be that crazy forums!


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