It’s Monsters vs. Undead Heroes in Marvel Zombies 4

The wacky Marvel Zombies hijinks continue as Marvel Zombies 4 (yes, we are up to 4 now!) picks up right where 3 left off. Apparently earth’s mightiest rotting heroes are locked down under the watchful eye of an inter-dimensional defense agency known as A.R.M.O.R., but as the saying goes … the best laid plans of mice and brain-starved, shambling super corpses often go awry.
Some of our favorite rotters make a break for it, forcing the best of Marvel’s monster roster to join forces and clean up the mess. Introducing the Midnight Sons! Morbius (your other favorite vampire from Spider-Man) leads the team, which includes Werewolf by Night, Man-Thing, Son of Satan, and sorceress Jennifer Kale. What, no Devil Dinosaur? Yeesh. Writer Fred Van Lente explains …
“I chose characters I really wanted to write about,” Van Lente shares. “Morbius, the witch Jennifer Kale, and Man-Thing all return from Marvel Zombies 3, although they take center stage here. One of the first books I ever remember owning as a kid was a photo book of the Lon Chaney ‘Wolf Man,’ so it was a no-brainer to have Werewolf by Night here. Son of Satan was actually a second choice after my first one was unavailable, but I really love writing Daimon Hellstrom. They’ve been thrown together under a common purpose without knowing a whole lot about each other,” notes Van Lente of the new Midnight Sons.
“Morbius and Jennifer feel like they have something to prove since they both nearly bought it at the hands of the undead from MZ3. Jack Russell, the Werewolf, we learn, has grown accustomed to his curse and has a devil-may-care attitude that borders on self-destructive and suicidal. And in speaking of ‘devil,’ Hellstrom’s demonic nature seems to be reveling in the carnage of eviscerating zombies—and that freaks all the other Sons out quite a bit. One of the nice things, from a horror perspective, about the Zombies series is we have a high adult rating, so we can really let loose and be as gory as any undead or slasher movie,” he says. “It’s fun to write these classic Marvel monsters with the R-rated gore they deserve, within the Marvel Universe.”
To keep up with the world of Marvel Zombies, be sure to check in with, and stay glued to Dread Central until the release on April 8th!

– Nomad
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