Anne Bobby Joins Bonfire Films’ Suffer the Little Children Adaptation

Maine-based production company Bonfire Films is bringing the work of author Stephen King back to his home state with its adaptation of King’s “Suffer the Little Children” short story. But they could use a little help… read on for the details!
From the Press Release:
Stephen King has granted Bonfire Films non-commercial rights to the short film version of “Suffer the Little Children” through his Dollar Baby program. This will be the company’s second attempt at a King film after One for the Road was halted during the pre-production process.
Director Corey Norman explains, “I experienced two deaths in my family as well as a major illness in the month of February that served as a big setback to our production timeline for One for the Road. Once we were able to continue, the snow was gone. It was then that we requested a change to our contract, allowing us to move ahead with another film.”
And things are moving at full speed for Suffer the Little Children. Actress Anne Bobby, best known for her role as Lori Winston in Clive Barker’s Nightbreed, has confirmed that she will be starring as Ms. Emily Sidley. Production is scheduled to begin at the end of next month.
Other cast members include Andrew Lyndaker as Robert, Dan Domingues as Mr. Hanning, and Beth Somerville as Mrs. Crossen.
Norman, director of the wildly successful independent feature The Hanover House, is set to direct; the script is by Haley Norman. Being huge King fans, the Normans hope to create a film that will do the Master of Horror proud. Suffer the Little Children has already been named an official selection at the HorrorHound Weekend Film Festival in Indianapolis, IN, this September and at The Crimson Screen Horror Film Festival in Charleston, SC, in May of 2016.
In the meantime, you can get involved with the project early by supporting it on Indiegogo. Incentives range from tickets to the world premiere at HorrorHound Weekend in September to autographed posters, film credits, and even walk-on roles. For additonal information visit
“Suffer the Little Children” is a short story by Stephen King that was published as part of the collection Nightmares & Dreamscapes in 1993. It follows the decline of an aging teacher, Ms. Sidley (Bobby), who believes her students are being taken over by something evil.