Watchmen Scribe Takes on Werewolves, New Studio

Variety reported last night that Watchmen co-writer David Hayter is definitely filling his plate with a lot of awesome genre goodies. Not only is Hayter getting set to direct the werewolf flick Slaughter’s Road, but he’s also teamed up with producer Benedict Carver to form Dark Hero Studios, a company that will generate film, TV, Internet and video game projects in the action, sci-fi and horror genres.
Beyond Watchmen, some of Hayter’s other writing credits include X-Men, X2, and The Scorpion King. He’s also been the voice of Solid Snake in the Metal Gear Solid video game series for 10 years now and played the character of Sean Barker in the sci-fi film Guyver: Dark Hero (which is most likely the inspiration for the new studio name).
Hayter said he hatched Slaughter’s Road after he was offered a slew of werewolf movies and found enough flaws in each to never want to make such a pic; genre-savvy friends changed his mind. Production on the lycanthrope project is slated to start this summer.
As far as Dark Hero, they begin their slate of projects with Demonology, which Hayter wrote and will also be helming. It was also reported that the company will set up graphic novels, comic books, video game properties and original genre scripts in conjunction with the release of Demonology.
Hayter’s Demonology grew out of his experiences attending an international high school in Japan. “It’s about an American kid who goes to one of these schools in Belgium, but it brings my own horrible experiences of school to life,” Hayter told Variety.
I don’t know about you, but my inner fangirl is definitely stoked to see what Hayter and the folks at Dark Hero continue to line up for us genre fans.
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