Grindhouse Tribute Homicycle on Its Way to DVD


Gory thriller Homicycle is coming soon to DVD and digital. Alternative Cinema describes the film as “a blood-soaked, tongue-in-cheek tribute to Grindhouse classics like The Punisher and Nail Gun Massacre.”  Read on for more details, some stills, and the trailer.

Homicycle is directed by Brett Kelly and stars Candace Lidstone, Ian Quick, and Peter Whittaker.

Brett Kelly Entertainment, partnered with POPCinema, Camp Motion Pictures, and Alternative Cinema, will release Homicycle on DVD and digital August 11. Special features will include an audio commentary by director Brett Kelly and trailers.

In a city riddled with corruption, drugs, and gangs, a veteran cop is murdered by a vicious kingpin, sparking a brutal crime wave.  Only one man can stop the bloodshed – a ruthless, motorcycle-riding vigilante bent on bloody revenge called “Homicycle” who’s now picking off the killers one by one.  Armed with an arsenal from Hell, he’s cleaning the streets by decapitation, nail gun, and motorcycle madness!  Is he a gun-toting savior on a path of righteous redemption, or is he literally hell on wheels? 








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