Ready to Descend Again?


Johnny and Neil MarshallWhile most of the country waits to see if The Descent is worthy of all its strong pre-release hype (it is), Johnny Butane just phoned in from Comic-Con with some news about an apparently already green-lit Descent 2.

In a conversation with Descent screenwriter and director Neil Marshall, Johnny learned that a team of writers (no names at this point) have been working on a few ideas that Marshall gave them. He hasn’t seen the finished product yet but did say that he was told the treatment was done a few days ago. Other than providing his “ideas,” Marshall’s sole role will be that of producer with a yet-to-be-determined director taking over those reins.

When asked which of The Descent‘s two endings the sequel would be picking up after, Marshall said he really wouldn’t know until he’d read the script.

No word on casting as of yet, but if there was I’m sure we wouldn’t be able to tell you about it anyways since it might reveal too much about the original than you need to know. Hopefully some will return though.

Stay tuned for updates.

Debi Moore

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