New Masters: “Right to Die”


Masters of Horror: Right to DieThere’s been a bit of a switch in scheduling for Showtime’s Masters of Horror for this weekend; Tom (Fright Night, Child’s Play) Holland’s “We All Scream For Ice Cream” was supposed to be on, but instead this Friday, January 5th we’ll get to see Rob (Wrong Turn) Schmidt’s “Right to Die”.

I know we all shouldn’t be getting too excited since the last two were a bit of a letdown (be sure to hit our reviews for opinions on the season so far), but something about the fact that “Right to Die” was done by a new, relatively fresh face in our genre, despite the Masters title, gives me some hope.

“Right to Die” is about a woman named Abby who is charred nearly beyond recognition but, medically speaking, is still alive. Masters of Horror: Right to DieHer husband, Cliff, is trying to get a court order to end her suffering but hits multiple roadblocks from outside sources. She keeps flatlining and being brought back, and each time her apparition becomes stronger, lashing out at everyone who is taking advantage of her situation.

With echoes of the recent Terry Schiavo incident, this one’s going to walk a fine line between cheese and quality I think, but hopefully Schmidt pulled it off. After “Right to Die” there are four episodes left of the season, which airs every Friday night on Showtime at 10pm.

More pics and a slightly expanded synopsis are available at the official Masters of Horror site!

Johnny Butane

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