Harper’s Island Social Network?

I will admit, CBS’s new show “Harper’s Island” has my interest as I’m a sucker for a good murder mystery. To make things a bit more interactive, the network has just put HarpersGlobe.com live so that you can get a little more involved with the mayhem.
From the site: “Harper’s Globe, is a social show integrated with CBS’s new mystery event, Harper’s Island. The show incorporates videos, photos, and blogs all presented right here on a social network where you can talk to the characters and participate in the story. To get started, sign up for a profile page and check out the Viewer’s Guide for a full explanation of how the show works.”
Ok, so now apparently viewers need instructions one how to watch and participate. Ambitious yes, but already my head hurts. Check out the first screamy video entry below.
“Harper’s Island” kicks off on CBS April 9th, 2009.
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