Dan Roebuck Feeds His Frankenstein in Halloween 2 and More

It seems like every single day there’s something new to report on concerning Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2. The scary part? We’re a long way from its release date of August 28th, 2009, so lord knows what goodies there are to come!
We’ve got several tidbits of info for you today so let’s get cooking. First up the official Halloween 2 website just got a facelift in the form of some new Flash graphics to behold while Tyler Bates’ score plays in the background. For you rabid fans (you know who you are) there’s even a spot to register for e-mail updates.
Next up you’ll find more unofficial behind-the-scenes goodness including pictures and notes on the production at the Black Bunny Blog.
And finally Zombie himself has updated his MySpace page with another picture from the set. This time it’s of genre favorite Daniel Roebuck in costume as the Frankenstein monster. See Zombie’s comments along with the picture below.
“Dan Roebuck aka Lou Martini owner of the Rabbit in Red hanging at the 20th Haddonfield Pumpkin Bash.”
