Halloween Honored


“The annual selection of films to the National Film Registry involves far more than the simple naming of cherished and important films to a prestigious list.” That’s from the mouth of Librarian of Congress, James Billington (wow, he even sounds like a librarian), speaking to The Hollywood Reporter about the recent inclusion of 25 new films into the National Film Registry.

The reason we’re pulling quotes from the man? John Carpenter’s 1978 classic Halloween is among them!

Yep, alongside films like Fargo, Rocky, Blazing Saddles, and sex, lies, and videotape, the original and beloved Halloween will from now on be preserved by the Library of Congress, meaning it will always be given the best possible treatment and held on high for generations. But even the guys who picked it for the list have to downplay the fact that it’s a horror film;

“Halloween launched [John] Carpenter’s career and started the slasher genre,” said Steve Legget, staff coordinator for the National Film Preservation Board. “Some people may say that’s good or bad, but it’s really a good film.” Wow, how kind of them!

Johnny Butane

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Wish the film could just be honored and not have excuses made for it in our forums!


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