Wood Goes to Oxford

Sure the English-language debut of Alex de la Igleisa may not sound like 100% horror, but this is the man who did Day of the Beast, a movie that should be required viewing for everyone, so we’re going to talk about it, damnit.
The Hollywood Reporter has learned that Elijah Wood has joined the cast of said film, titled The Oxford Murders, teaming up with John Hurt as a student who goes to the titular school to study but instead finds himself intrigued by a murder that took place in his residence there. He’s taken under wing by a Sherlock Holmes-esque mentor who uses logic and math to stop a series of murders. Wait, math? I bet it’s long division; that shit nearly killed me in junior high.
Unfortunately the film is not de la Iglesia’s usual black comedy, but he’s such a damn fine director I’m sure he can work in the confines of a straight-up thriller story with ease. Shooting on Oxford Murders starts on January 22nd and goes for nine weeks in London and Oxford.
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