Re-Animator Trilogy Plots Revealed!


House of Re-Animator posterA brand-new, career-spanning interview with long-time horror leader Brian Yuzna (where’s his Masters of Horror?) has just appeared over on a site called Eyes on the Cinema, and it’s a good one.

In it he discusses everything from his time with Fantastic Factory to the hassles of producing movies in Spain to Society to the newly-formed Halcyon Pictures; but what will likely interest fans most is his layout of what he plans for the next three Re-Animator films.

We all know about House of Re-Animator, in which West is summoned to the White House when the President dies unexpectedly, but what about the second two films in the planned trilogy?

“The second would be Re-Animator Unbound! West would have his own feifdom amidst a war zone. There his experiments take him directly in conflict with religion and face to face with the Old Ones of Lovecraftian lore,” he told the site. “The final episode would be Re-Animator Begins. After having his mind pretty much erased by the trauma of Unbound! West is brought back to his senses (during which we get to see some of West’s boyhood) by a mysterious doctor who turns out to be his mentor Dr. Gruber’s niece. Back at the medical school in Switzerland (where it all began in the original Re-Animator), West recreates his early experiments but makes the fatal mistake of breaking one of his basic tenets when he finds himself having feelings for… a woman.”

Whoa, now; West in love? That’s just freakin’ strange if you ask me. Needless to say the plans are ambitious and will take a good chunk of change to see made ito reality, especially if William H. Macy is still starring as the President in House, but hopefully Yuzna can pull it off without making us wait too much longer!

Check out the entire interview right here for all you could ever want to know about Brian Yuzna … and more!

Johnny Butane

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Hope we’ll get to see West back in action soon in our forums!


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