Happy Holidaze!

The holiday season brings about much reflection. It’s the time of year when we take a look back at the previous months as a means to celebrate our triumphs and learn from our mistakes.
Over the last few months Dread Central and its readers have become a family of sorts. Our own personal Island of Misfit Toys. We know full well we wouldn’t be anywhere with the support you’ve given us. In fact we’d love to be able to buy you all a huge present to show our thanks (and who knows, maybe if you click all our ads every day, we’ll be able to! *nudge nudge, hint hint*), but instead we’ll leave you and 2006 with a bit of wisdom …

Happy holidays, and if shit gets too hairy in 2007, take a page out of old Harry’s book and head to the friggin’ cellar!
Deck your halls in our forums!