Girl Next Door This Spring

It’s been a while since we heard much from the camp of Moderncine, the folks who brought us Headspace (DVD review) and have been working on the adaptation of Jack Ketchum’s The Girl Next Door, but that’s what the holidays are good for: Companies like to let you know what’s planned for the following year!
The Girl Next Door will be done in January, they say, and they’re looking to have a release for it by spring. Whether that means it’ll be out theatrically via a large distributor (yes, please) or just a small, self-funded arthouse run (much more likely) is not yet known, but I’m sure we’ll hear about it soon enough!
In other Girl news Ryan Shore, nephew of famed composer Howard Shore, is scoring The Girl Next Door, his second collaboration with Moderncine after Headspace. I’m sure it’ll sound great!
Be sure to check out Moderncine’s new and improved official site for more on their various other projects!
Hope to God they get it right in our forums!