Horrorfest 2, More Dates Announced


So finally the question that’s been burning in everyone’s brainpan — “Will there be an Afterdark Horrorfest next year?” — can be answered: Yes!

Bloody Disgusting got word via Freestyle Releasing that the festival is set for a run next October 19th, which I have to say sucks … a lot. Why? Because it will be competing with all the other horror films in theaters at that time and make our lives that much more hectic, which is the last thing we need in the month of October. The nice thing about the November release this year was it was something to look forward to post-Halloween, a time frame when most of us usually sink into deep, dark depression because of the lack of good horror. Seriously. I cry a lot.

They also got word that Freestyle will be releasing The Tripper on June 1st, the Jim Issacs movie Skinwalkers on July 4th, and Wristcutters: A Love Story in September.

Stay tuned for more news on all these flicks, as well as the Horrorfest 2 lineup, as soon as we know more!

Johnny Butane

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