Embodiment of Evil Acquired for UK Distro!

This morning one of the ghouls over at Anchor Bay UK dropped the goods news in our laps that they’ve acquired the latest Coffin Joe film, “>Embodiment of Evil, for DVD release in Great Britain!
Sure it’s not great news for us Yankees, but if AB UK has it, there’s a good chance AB US will be looking at it as well. Embodiment isn’t all they have, either; the rep informed me that they’ve also acquired the rights for At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul, This Night I Will Possess (or Enter) Your Corpse, The Awakening of the Beast, End of Man, The Strange World of Coffin Joe, Hallucinations of a Deranged Mind, Hellish Flesh, The Hostels of Naked Flesh and The Strange World of Mojica Marins!
That’s a helluva lot of Joe, to be sure; the plan is to release a box set with all those movies included of course; no word if they’ll be released separately, however. Hopefully they’ll put together some desirable packaging to go along with it, too, similar to their Phantasm and Hellraiser collections in the past.
We’ll bring you more details as we get them, so keep your eyeballs here!
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Hold out hope for a similar US box set via the Dread Central forums!