Longer F13 When the Remake Hits Home

I love home video. Thanks to DVD and Blu-ray when a movie comes home, it can often be a different version than the one released to theatres. Apparently the “>Friday the 13th remake is the latest case in point!
Recently Fangoria caught up with producers Andrew Form and Brad Fuller to talk about the flick’s DVD/Blu-ray release, and the duo dropped a lot of interesting info on them. Dig on the excerpt below:
“It’ll be 10 to 15 minutes longer than the [theatrical cut], I believe,” Form told Fango. “There were a couple of story points cut out of the movie that will appear in the extended version and maybe a little bit more violence and nudity. There’s one story point, a big thing that happens in the extended cut, that doesn’t occur in the movie [as it will play in theaters], and I still believe we made the right choice to take it out. We’ll also have a special section on the disc for deleted scenes that are not in the extended cut. So there will be portions we put back into the film and then additional deleted scenes on top of that.”
Interesting indeed, no? Let’s hope the movie kicks ass this weekend! I’m thinking it will open big, and I bet that if you look at next year’s calendar the release date of the bound-to-happen Friday the 13th Part 2 will just jump right out at ya!
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