Hatchet Chops the Big Screen

Though details weren’t forthcoming, Anchor Bay just sent out a press release regarding their acquisition of Adam Green’s debut film, Hatchet (review), with the damn fine news that they’ll be putting it in theaters this April.
Following the release of Behind the Mask on Valentine’s Day, Anchor Bay will provide Hatchet with a nationwide theatrical run before its inevitable special edition DVD release, which I wouldn’t be surprised to see as early as June.
“From the opening frame to the final fade-out, Hatchet brings American film horror back to its independent, no-nonsense roots of scaring the living daylights out of the audience,” said Mark Ward, Vice President of Acquisitions for the Bay. “We regard the film as nothing less than the next great horror film franchise.”
With AB behind the release I really hope they get around to changing the tagline Green’s been using, or at least streamlining it. Other than that Hatchet is good to go, and I’m sure the fans will eat it up this spring. Watch this space for more details soon!
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