King of New York


New Dark Tower art! (click to see it bigger)Planning on attending the upcoming New York Comic Con this February? If you’re like me, you’ve probably never heard of it, but apparently it’s getting bigger and bigger as the years go by. They’ve doubled in size since last year alone, but the latest addition to their guest lineup will likely mean they’re going to need even more space.

To celebrate the publication of The Dark Tower comics (the first issue hits stands on February 7th), Stephen King himself will be attending the con to participate in a panel about the book on February 24th, 2007. Obviously this is a huge event for both the con and Marvel, who is putting out the high-profile comic, but it’s an even bigger deal for fans of the prolific author since he’s rarely made public appearances since his accident a few years ago. Click here to find out how you can attend!

And since we’re on the subject of the Dark Tower books, Marvel has launched an official sub-site for the series that you can check out right here. Tons of information about the series and the creative team behind it is there already, with I’m sure a lot more planned in the coming weeks.

With King news when it rains, it pours; and today is no exception. The best site to keep up with the man’s happenings, Lilja’s Library, announced yesterday that the first two chapters from King’s “lost” Bachman book, Blaze, are now online! Hit the Library link to find out how you can get a taste of the new book!

Johnny Butane

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