del Toro Speaks of Madness

Even though he’s in the midst of getting Hellboy 2 up and running, prolific director Guillermo del Toro is already looking forward to his next dozen or so projects, including the recently announced Tarzan adaptation.
But the one project he really wants to see get off the ground next, as does most of the horror community, is his long-planned film version of H.P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness. He recently spoke to Sci Fi Wire about the inherent challenges of the project, which follows a team in Antarctica who discover evidence of a race of creatures that pre-dates man by millions of years.
“So this sea of almost … empty spaces is very hard to portray in film,” the director said. “It’s very hard to portray the fact that you are … an ant in a picnic, and yet you have delusions of grandeur. That’s what Lovecraft was saying. Our race as a whole are just arrogant little ants in a picnic. That’s what Mountains of Madness are.”
Of course, Madness doesn’t seem any closer to actually happening than it did years ago when he chatted it up at the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors while promoting the first Hellboy. But hey, as long as he continues to make films like Pan’s Labyrinth, which opens December 29th, in the interim, it will be worth the wait.
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