*UPDATED!* The New Face of Myers?

**UPDATE: The boys at Bloody Disgusting just got the official confirmation that Daeg Faerch is, indeed, the new young Michael Myers!**
For right now this will all be filed under “rumor” since nothing is ever official until the studio or Rob Zombie says so. With that in mind we did get some interesting information this weekend about his Halloween remake and thought we should share…
First off, we got an e-mail from a resident of South Pasadena who said that some location scouting was being done there by Rob Zombie and crew. Said anonymous reader, who did some checking with local location scouts, found out that despite Zombie’s claims of wanting a true Midwestern town for his Halloween redux, the film will once again be shot in South Pasadena, likely using some of the same locations Carpenter used back in the day. The odd thing is that the IMDB, never a bastion of factual information, has the shooting location listed as Little Hollywood, aka Vancouver. So we continue to dig and will let you know more when we find it!
But the coolest news of all, which unfortunately also got its start on the IMDB, is that it looks like young Michael Myers has been cast. Child actor Daeg Faerch is listed as “attached” on the IMDB page for Halloween, and sure enough if you check out the info for him on Now Casting, he’s listed there as well as being involved in Halloween Project for Rob Zombie. Coincidence? Probably not, but we’re checking it out to be sure!
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