Lincoln Talks Hack/Slash

Finally, someone is out there talking about the long-promised comic book adaptation of Hack/Slash, set to be directed by Todd Lincoln. Lincoln recently spoke to Comics Catch about the status of the film, and damn if it doesn’t make me more than a little excited to see this:
“[The script is] tight, it’s fresh and I’m ready to shoot this fucker. Fortunately, our team members at Rogue Pictures are not micro-managers. They’re smart, decisive and true fans of the genre,” he told the blog. “This is not an origin story movie. It cuts to the chase and drops you in the shit by minute one. The film will stay true to the style, heart and voice of the comics. Fans are absolutely going to get the Cassie and Vlad they know and love. Tonally, the movie is much more grounded and serious than the comic. There’s a sprinkling of humor to balance the scares, but this will be a lean, vicious, blood-soaked, hard R fright fest. The goal is to create the ultimate slasher film.”
Now how could that sound bad to anyone? It’s obvious there are some very happy people working on this one, people with a real love for the source material, and hopefully the end result will be proof positive of that.
The plan right now is to shoot in the spring of 2007 with a release the following year, but nothing is solid yet. No casting has been announced yet either, but apparently some big names are being approached. Stay tuned for more as we learn it!
Wish you could help casting for Cassie in our forums!