Supercroc Will be Here!

This past Thursday I did a story about The Asylum capitalizing on the upcoming remake of The Hitcher with their forthcoming DVD counterpart The Hitchhiker. I concluded that article with the following request:
“Now if anyone from The Asylum is reading this (and odds are someone is), I want to make a request and I swear on a stack of Bibles that I’m not trying to be sarcastic when I write what I’m about to. 2007 is going give us TWO theatrically released films about killer, man-eating crocodiles: Primeval and Rogue. Dammit, doesn’t The Asylum owe us a crocodile movie next year? Make it happen.”
Someone from The Asylum was indeed reading it and as the accompanying artwork to this article should make abundantly clear, my wish has been granted. I’d like to take all the credit but as it turns out The Asylum was one step ahead of me and already well underway filming Supercroc.
Asylum director Leigh Scott was nice enough to send along some info and this brief promo art regarding Supercroc. Simply put, “Supercroc is the story of a giant crocodile that is unleashed upon Southern California. Wackiness and mayhem ensue.” Scott didn’t specify who’s behind the camera for this one, but the film stars Asylum regulars Kim Little, Noel Thurman, Kristen Quintrall, and Marat Glazer. Shooting wraps in about a week and the DVD will hit shelves in April.
So while the big screen will see dueling croc flicks with Primeval and Rogue, the small screen will see its own showdown as Roger Corman also has the similarly titled Supergator headed for the Sci-Fi Channel next year. Saaaaaay … I smell a crossover flick. Supercroc vs. Supergator anyone?
I’ll have some more Asylum news in the coming days. Stay tuned.
Wonder what other creepy powers Foy has in the production of B-movies in our forums!