The Dread Have Risen!

Independence Day means a lot of things to a lot of people. For us here at Dread Central this day holds a new meaning. A rebirth if you will. Last year at this time we were all working for a common goal, and that was to create a place for horror fans that they could call home.
Until recently we were more than on track, but then someone figured that (and I quote) “the fanboys should just go back to being fanboys,” and we were kicked out of our own house. Why? Basically it was decided that instead of what we worked our fingers to the bone to create, horror needed a more corporate image.
As proud fanboys, we said no. What you’re seeing now is the dawn of a new day. An independence day for horror fans the world over to revel in. No squeaky clean sanitized bullshit and mediocrity. You are our peers. This is your site.
Let July 4th, 2006, be forever known as the day . . .

Horror fans, welcome to Dread Fuckin’ Central. This is our first day with you, so as you might expect, things are going to be a bit bumpy for a while until all the kinks are worked out. Throughout the day the site will be evolving. You’ll be seeing more reviews and stories added.
In fact, Johnny Butane has a few news exclusives that he’ll be posting a bit later on. For now, check out some new reviews, enter our first contest, and of course dig on the forums. When you’re done poking around, don’t forget to check out the brand new line of Dread Central gear courtesy of our evil brothers in blood at Rotten Cotton.
Within the next few days you’ll also be seeing the return of some of your favorite features like Horror’s Hallowed Grounds, Cold Spots, and Ghoulish Guidance along with some new shit that we have up our sleeves.
What you’re witnessing is a work in progress, and you may encounter a dead link or broken image here and there. Our database is pretty massive so it’s taking a while to populate everything correctly. While we’re workin’ on things, go have a few cold ones for us.
Before we go any further, we want to take this time to thank you all for sticking with us. A lot of hard work from fans and staff alike has gone into making this happen. We’ll do our best not to let you down.
Welcome home, guys. The chains have been broken, and the beast is yet to come.
– Uncle Creepy