Dexter: The Top 7 Most Vicious Killers

“Dexter” Season 7 is quickly approaching, and we can hardly wait to see what’s in store for us viewers this September 30th. Season 6 ended with Debra finding out Dexter’s dark secret, actually catching him in the act. In honor of six seasons of Dexter ridding Miami of murderers, here is our list of seven killers we are most glad Dexter was around for.
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1. The Trinity Killer aka Arthur Mitchell (John Lithgow)
Season 4 is easily the best season of “Dexter” because of one thing: the Trinity Killer. John Lithgow brings to life the scariest serial killer ever to grace the screen.
I’ll set the scene- Lithgow is in a bathtub full of water, sitting behind a young woman. Her face is frightened as his is soft and gentle. In one hand he holds a mirror aimed at the face of the young woman, whom he has in a choke hold. In his other hand is a razor, which he uses to slice the woman’s femoral artery. In the mirror he watches as the life, and blood, completely drains out of his victim.
The bathtub is only one place Trinity performs his murders. The others include forcing a mother of two to commit suicide via high jump, beating a father of two to death with a hammer and burying a young boy alive.
Mitchell was an abusive father of two who was very active in his church’s home building projects, an activity that allowed him to travel to kill. His worst act before his death by Dexter – the murder of Dexter’s wife, Rita – created the biggest surprise on “Dexter” to date.
2. The Ice Truck Killer aka Rudy Cooper aka Brian Moser (Christian Camargo)
Season 1 started off with a bang. Almost immediately we are introduced to Dexter’s dark secret, followed by a blood-drained and dismembered body with no head. This body is the work of the Ice Truck Killer.
Brian Moser, son of murdered Laura Moser and brother to unknowing Dexter, kills his victims and drains them completely of their blood. He then cuts the body into strategic pieces and places them in public places with subtle clues for Dexter to follow. Each clue helps Dexter remember a small piece of his past, which he has managed to forget.
Instead of just approaching Dexter to confess their relation, Brian kills to create a puzzle for Dexter to solve, ending in the attempted murder of Debra. What Brian didn’t count on was Dexter’s love for his sister.
3. The Skinner aka George Washington King (Jesse Borrego)
The trouble in Season 3 started when Dexter killed Freebo, a small time heroin dealer. It turned out that Freebo owed someone quite a bit of cash, that someone being George King. King owned a tree trimming service, which allowed him to go undetected as he trailed Debra Morgan as she interviewed Freebo’s friends and associates for his whereabouts. Soon after speaking with them, each person would show up dead, skinned. Eventually, through the fear of an employee of King, Deb was able to deduct that King was the skinner, but not before Dexter could kill him.
4. Jorge and Valerie Castillo (Jose Zuniga and Valerie Dillman)
They may not be among Season 1’s main killers on “Dexter,” but Jorge and Valerie certainly belong on this list. The wealthy owner of a junkyard, Jorge smuggled Cuban immigrants into the United States on his boat after charging them an obscene amount of money. When they reached America, Jorge would slap on an additional fee. When these poor immigrants couldn’t pay, Jorge would drown them.
What did Valerie do? She was aware of the murders and simply did not care. Jorge was bringing in large sums of money, and she enjoyed the power. Hopefully they had time to enjoy all of that money and power before they ended up on Dexter’s table.
5. Jordan Chase (Jonny Lee Miller)
Season 5, though slow, gave us Jordan Chase, the modern day Charles Manson. A motivational speaker and bestselling author, Chase was able to convince people to take what they wanted and to act on their anger. He may not have participated in any of the murders of the young women who were brutally raped and killed by his followers, but he certainly encouraged and videotaped the acts.
His first murder was Emily, the first rape victim and only one of two known survivors. She was stabbed through the heart with a fireplace poker when she attempted to defend Lumen, the second survivor whom Dexter helped get revenge.
Jordan had power and he got off on it. His reign ended with a knife through his heart.
6. Doomsday Killer aka Travis Marshall (Colin Hanks)
Misleading the Miami Metro Police through the majority of Season 6 that the Doomsday Killer was Professor James Gellar, Travis Marshall emerged as a much more screwed up guy than the devout Christian follower of Gellar that Dexter believed him to be. Having killed Gellar and taken on the extra personality of said Doomsday Killer, Marshall murdered multiple people, using the bodies to stage the Book of Revelations’ description of the apocalypse.
Whether he believed himself to be under the orders of Gellar the whole time or not, Marshall murdered his own sister and attempted to not only poison the entire Miami Metro Police Department but also kill little Harrison, Dexter’s son.
7. Boyd Fowler (Shawn Hatosy)
Fowler was responsible for clean-up after the rape of thirteen women by Jordan Chase and “The Group.” His job was to kill and dispose of the bodies. As a dead animal pickup officer for the Department of Sanitation, it was easy to disguise any disposals as simply his job. Though he claimed he was helping the women by killing them, his collection of hair trophies proved otherwise.
Dumping the bodies in barrels of water and electrocuting them by connecting jumper cables to the rim, Fowler obviously enjoyed his job. What he didn’t expect was for Dexter to figure him out and let loose Lumen, who finished off the rest of his group.
“Dexter” Season 7 starts September 30, 2012 on Showtime. For more be sure to visit the official “Dexter” page on Showtime, “like” “Dexter” on Facebook, and follow “Dexter” on Twitter.

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