Top 6 Taboo Sex Moments in Horror!


Now let’s look at From Dusk to Dawn (1996) and Salma Hayek’s dance scene.

Who doesn’t love this scene? It gives you all the tingles.  Women and men alike love to watch her sexy seductive dance, even if it is with a snake and even if she is a blood-sucking ancient vampire.  Who cares!  It’s Salma Hayek, and I’d let her suck my blood any day!

How about the “American Horror Story: Coven” (2013) sex ritual scene?

There are so many sex scenes in all the seasons of “American Horror Story” that it’s hard to pick just one, but there’s always been something sexy about witches, and one thing we know about witches is they love to have ritual sex.  This scene in particular is sexy, even with the snake factor.  Snakes represent the devil in scripture; therefore, this sex is just plain hot and taboo because of it.  It somehow gets you in the mood to make a salt circle, light some candles, and do the naughty, doesn’t it?

Then there’s Excision (2012) and its white rabbit psycho-sexual fantasy.

The fantasies that this girl has make you want to peek around that corner and become a voyeur at all costs to see what she’ll come up with next!  This scene hints at blood orgy time with death tones, and that’s what makes it a bit taboo.  This chick is a true psycho, but a hot one at that.  I  wouldn’t recommend dating someone like her, but having some one-on-one time with her now and then I think would be okay.

So, what are some of your favorite taboo sexy scenes from horror?  Let us know down in the comments below!



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