The Road to The Ghost Dimension: The Top Moments of the Paranormal Activity Series


Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)

Boldly stepping away from the “spooky stuff in a house” format, The Marked Ones takes the hauntings outside. Focusing on a low-income Hispanic family, culture and superstition play a huge part in giving this film a unique flavor. Rather than showing strange things happening around a house while no one is looking, this film tells the story of Jesse’s gradual transformation at the hands of a malignant spirit. Since location doesn’t matter as much, the film focuses on the characters instead. We get a greater sense of who these people are, why they care about each other, and the struggle they face with Jesse’s changing persona. It isn’t afraid to have a sense of humor along with the dread, and the banter in it feels natural. This film is my favorite of the franchise, and it stands out as being fun, fresh, and most importantly, scary.

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9) Playing With Your New Demon

I love it when a scary story can have a little fun with itself. Yes, scary ghost stuff should be the meat and potatoes, but a side dish of comedy can make the whole meal better. Soon after Jesse first realizes there are strange things going on around him, he discovers that this supernatural force also imbues him with strange powers. The entity won’t let him be hurt, and he has increased strength and stamina. So naturally, being teenage boys, they are way more interested in doing neat tricks and putting them on YouTube than freaking out and calling an exorcist. It reminded me of that scene in the original Poltergeist, where at first they were more interested in playing with their supernatural forces than fleeing from them. It rounds out the characters as more than just vehicles and is a great example of the kind of fun that The Marked Ones brings to the screen.

10) Breaking Space and Time

There’s nothing funny about this next scene. For me, this moment is the pinnacle of the series in regards to effects and intensity. As Jesse’s grandmother attempts to exorcise the demon, the lights go out, and Jesse vanishes. As the group frantically looks around for him, the fabric of reality in the living room begins to bend. As it contorts to the point of breaking, Jesse explodes back into reality with an unleashing of violent force. The whole living room is tossed about in a hurricane of energy. The group retreats to a bedroom and finds Jesse unconscious when they return. At this point, we know just how much danger Jesse is really in and the power of this entity. The scene blindsides you with its unexpected flurry of explosive action and perfectly encapsulates why I love this exceptional spin-off.

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Bonus Round: Paranormal Activity 2: Tokyo Night (2010)

Oh, Tokyo Night, how I missed you. Many of you probably aren’t even aware that there was an unofficial Japanese spin-off. Released a month after the actual Paranormal Activity 2, Tokyo Night came into my life when I saw it on the self of Rasputin Music in Berkeley, CA. In a store with an incredible selection of eclectic films, this little curiosity was odd even among the oddballs. I obviously couldn’t pass it up and spent the evening witnessing ghost attacks in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Since this is a review of the main series, I won’t get into listing my favorite bits of Tokyo Night. It’s actually not that bad, though a bit tame compared to what we got from the main franchise. For a curiosity, it is enjoyable. Check it out if you’re like me and perpetually craving more found footage ghost stories.

Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015)

The time is almost upon us again to venture to our venue of choice and witness the final installment in our beloved franchise. From what we’ve seen, they are cranking it to 11 for this installment, with impressive CGI that allows us for the first time to see that invisible force that has been tormenting families for years. Fans will finally get answers to their questions, and the series conclusion should not be missed by anyone who wants to know where it has all been headed.

So tell me… are you also excited to finally see the enigmatic monster known thus far only as “Toby”? How excited are you for the series to be coming full circle? Also, what were some of your favorite moments from the franchise? Let me know in the comments below, and I’ll see you in theaters October 23rd!

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