Artist Spotlight: Jessica Garcia’s Haunted Porcelain


Here at Dread Central we pride ourselves on shining the spotlight on projects that normally would have to fight to get noticed. Such is the case with this unique line of collectibles from artist Jessica Garcia entitled “Haunted Porcelain.”

The process varies,” Garcia tells us of creating these ghastly beauties. “Usually I take new or used porcelain dolls and repaint them. Some are broken. For example, I had a Belle doll that’s face was shattered and I re-glued the pieces and turned her into a Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein piece. She was one of my faves.

Haunted Porcelain

Haunted Porcelain

The cracking is done in several layers. First, the dolls wigs are removed; then they are painted black twice or whatever base color I choose. Then a layer of glue, and while tacky, I apply the flesh-colored paint. Then another layer of crackle and the final details. So my life basically consists of me guarding dolls while they dry between layers. Other dolls are painted normally like the sugar skull or my bride.

Haunted Porcelain

Garcia continues, “Sometimes I write a story. While I am painting, I never usually know which direction I am heading until close to the end. I got into painting them because I have been obsessed with horror movies since I was a kid, especially those with creepy dolls or toys. I looked at various websites and horror conventions and never found something unique. Something I could take home and put in my home to freak out whoever came in. I studied art in college; it wasn’t my major, but I was good at it. So I decided to try and make one myself. The first few were adequate; they creeped out people that were easily frightened, but I needed to go darker… so now I try to appeal to all audiences with a wide variety of dolls. From cute and creepy to dark and disturbing, I try to bring back a doll and give it a new life.

For more of Garcia’s work check out the official Haunted Porcelain Facebook page.

Haunted Porcelain

Haunted Porcelain

Haunted Porcelain

Haunted Porcelain

Haunted Porcelain



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