Exclusive Wrong Turn 2 Update!


It’s been a while since much has been said from the Wrong Turn 2 camp, always a problem when the filmmakers stop interacting with other humans and begin the solitary job of editing their film together. We managed to grab director Joe Lynch (the evil looking guy with me on the right), blinking rapidly as he emerged into sunlight for the first time in weeks, and discovered that things are looking better than even he dared hope.

“We’re hitting the home stretch,” he divulged. “The studio is thrilled with the cut, but the huge news for me is that we just got the holy grail of cool composers, Bear McCreary, who does amazing work on “Battlestar Galactica” and just finished Rest Stop. It was a long shot to get him, but he really got excited when he saw the movie and so far is kicking major ass. We got so much love on this film; I hope the fans will dig it as much as we are!”

For those who missed my set report (read it here), Wrong Turn 2 takes place shortly after the events of the first film (“It’s a sequel, NOT a prequel!” Lynch wants to make sure everyone knows), and follows a “Survivor”-style show that dumps its latest contestants into the West Virginia hillside that the cannibal mutants call home. Fox Entertainment will be releasing it direct-to-video sometime next year, and hopefully it’ll be everything we’re hoping for.

Keep it here for the latest info as we slap it out of our sources!

Johnny Butane

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