Horror Lives Again in New Comprehensive Genre Overview


It Lives Again!I always love seeing one of our own do well, and by “our own” I refer to those of us who write about horror on an almost daily basis, getting so deep into the genre that it’s hard to imagine discussing anything else in polite conversation. Axelle Carolyn, a freelance journalist who’s worked for everyone from us (very proud of that) to Fangoria and beyond, is the latest in the “done good” line.

Her first book, It Lives Again! Horror Movies in the New Millennium, has just officially been announced for publication through Telos Publishing, based in the UK. The book is a comprehensive analysis of horror at the start of the 21st Century with focus placed on films like The Grudge remake, the Saw series, and everything in between. From the big studio pics to the smaller indies, Carolyn touches on a variety of horror films in order to give a thorough overview of where our beloved genre is and where it might be going. A forward by Neil Marshall and introduction by Mick Garris are included as well.

To say we’re proud is to understate the obvious, but proud we are. You can check out more on It Lives Again! over on Telos’ official site, where you can also pre-order your copy. Telos and Carolyn are hoping to have the book out just in time for Halloween this year.

Johnny Butane

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