What’s Ahead in The Vampire Diaries Season 7?


In last night’s Season 6 finale of “The Vampire Diaries,” we said good-bye for now to Elena Gilbert (and Nina Dobrev, the actress who portrayed her) in a rather unusual fashion.  We won’t spoil anything in this first paragraph for those of you who might not be caught up, but if you watched and are wondering what was up with that “flash-forward” scene at the end, we have an explanation from exec producer Julie Plec along with a few more teases of what’s ahead in Season 7.

Plec told Buzzfeed that, with regard to filling the void left by Nina’s departure, “We have a ton of material to work with. We have a very gifted ensemble. There are still plenty of stories to tell between them. We also have these heretics who we’ve spent all this time learning about how nasty they are. There are a handful of them, so when we come back next season, they have not scattered to the winds; they are sticking together, and they are messy, and they are mean, and they are hilarious and perverse and chaos-makers and trouble and all those things. They kind of remind me of the Original family a little bit, just in that they all have their own distinct personalities, they all have their own ability to be just completely disgusting creatures, but they’re interestingly and fascinatingly relatable as well. I would think that any gaps or need for new characters would be filled via them — more than getting another cute girl with long brown hair.”

So, can we assume those nasty heretics are the ones responsible for the wasteland we saw at the end of the finale?  Plec said, “I think it’s a good assumption. It’s metaphorically, Where is everyone in their life without Elena Gilbert? And, literally, it’s, What has happened to this town in her absence? As we saw, the heretics made their appearance at the end of the episode, so if I were putting money on why Mystic Falls is suddenly abandoned, I would pin the blame on them.”  When asked if Season 7 will begin with that jump or something else, Plec explained, “It’s a flash-forward we are going to explain, return to, and, also, move beyond. Next season plays with time jumps a little bit. We’re going to have some fun with living in flash-forwards and also in the present.”  When asked if she could say how far in the future that particular time jump was, Plec hestitated,Um…no. Because we haven’t written it yet.  That particular flash-forward I can’t explain because there’s a trick attached to it. But the flash-forwards for next season, we’re talking at least a couple of years in the future.”

What she could say is that they’ve “got not just the first half of the season marked out, but we have sort of the big mythology for the full season and a launching point for Season 8. To have that already is really thrilling, and it let us go on our very brief vacations with a little bit of clear heads and light hearts. I think that the beauty of this show is you have the Salvatore brothers, who are so powerful; you have Caroline Forbes, who is an epic character, and Bonnie Bennett and Alaric Saltzman and Matt Donovan and Enzo… He needs a last name, I’m realizing. But there are a lot of stories to tell, a lot of relationship dynamics to play out, and a lot of mystery to build. We’re very excited about the season, and I think the actors specifically are really jazzed that it’s going to be a season based in tension, suspense, some vampire drama, some folklore, some mystery, and not just built around a love triangle. That certainly started to wear out its welcome amongst the actors and the writers. There’s only so much of that you can write before you start to feel like you’re getting a little stale. Given the choice, I’m sure we’d all prefer to have Nina still on the show, but if there is an upside to this situation, it is the freedom to break away from that paradigm and spread our wings a little bit.”

And how will Damon cope with the love of his life being “put to bed,” so to speak?  Plec assured the Delena fans, “Damon is not falling out of love anytime soon. He’s not going to look at another girl sideways anytime soon. And I think there’s a lot of fun to be had with Damon, the hottest vampire in town, being like, ‘Ladies, back off. I’m a taken man.’ I think there’s as much fun to be had in him avoiding women as there is in him indulging in women. I think we’ll honor their pledge for the future.”

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The Vampire Diaries Season 6



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