My Soul to Take Has Worst Opening Yet for a 3D Film

We’re not sure if it was the mostly negative reviews (except ours, read it here), people tired of the inflated price for 3D, or just a general lack of interest, but Wes Craven’s My Soul to Take wound up in fifth place at the box office and can boast of having the worst opening yet for a 3D movie playing at over 1,500 venues.
From Box Office Mojo: My Soul to Take crept in with a quiet estimated $6.9 million on close to 2,700 screens at 2,572 locations, despite the 3D premium for most of its showings. 3D accounted for around 86 percent of its business. My Soul to Take was well behind Piranha 3D’s $10.1 million launch, and it had one of the weakest starts of its genre, grabbing about the same attendance as The Return and Sorority Row. According to distributor Universal Pictures, 54 percent of the audience was female and 52 percent was 25 years of age and older.
Rubbing even more salt into the wound for genre fans, Case 39 stayed on top of Let Me In in the #9 spot at $2,630,000, giving them $9,600,000 in two weeks. LMI only managed an 11th place showing with $2,400,000, or a total of $9,124,000 for its 14-day run.
October is not proving to be too friendly to horror films in theatres thus far although something tells us that’s about to change what with Paranormal Activity 2 landing on the 22nd and both Monsters and Saw 3D bowing the next week on the 29th. Don’t let us down, horror fans. Get out and support your favorites!
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