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Post Thumb: /jan13/wakebefores.jpg Fans of religious horror, keep your eyes on Todd and Jason Freeman’s Wake Before I Die, a…

Reviewed by Uncle Creepy Starring Max Thieriot, Emily Meade, Raul Esparza, Denzel Whitaker, John Magaro Directed by Wes Craven Distributed…

The movie that confused many a horror fan with its absolute absurdity, My Soul to Take, is coming home to…

Wes Craven’s My Soul to Take both infuriated and infatuated horror fans and critics alike. There are some folks out…

We’re not sure if it was the mostly negative reviews (except ours, read it here), people tired of the inflated…

Wes Craven’s latest 3D slashfest, My Soul to Take, is opening wide this weekend, and we have put together all…

Here we are just the second week into October, and again we have three brand new terror tales in theatres…

Reviewed by Nomad Starring Max Thieriot, Emily Meade, Raul Esparza, Denzel Whitaker, John Magaro Directed by Wes Craven There are…