‘Dude Bro Party Massacre III’ is Stupid Fun [The Overlook Motel]

Welcome to The Overlook Motel, a place where under-seen and unappreciated films are given their moment in the spotlight. I hope you enjoy your stay here and find the accommodations to be suitable. Now, please take a seat and make yourself comfortable, I have some misbehaving guests to ‘correct’.
This week on The Overlook Motel, I’m looking back on Dude Bro Party Massacre III. This film is a diamond in the rough. It’s a farcical romp that everyone should see but due to a fairly quiet release, a lot of horror fans seem to have overlooked this campy treasure.
Dude Bro Party Massacre is ridiculous from start to finish. It tells the story of Brent (Alec Owen) infiltrating a fraternity with the aim of solving the mystery behind his twin brother Brent’s (also Owen) death at the hands of a vengeful killer known as Motherface.
There are so many reasons why this film shouldn’t work. Nearly every character, save for the lead, is a complete meathead and lacks any depth or development. Yet the flick is so silly, so over the top, and so consistently outrageous that it works shockingly well. Dude Bro Party Massacre III is anchored by a likable lead that viewers are sure to invest in (more on that in a moment) and the humor is so well-crafted that almost every joke lands. So, the picture works in spite of a compelling list of reasons it shouldn’t.
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I think the fact that Dude Bro Party Massacre III works so well in spite of itself is a testament to the strength of the screenplay by Alec Owen, Ben Gigli, and Brian Firenzi, as well as expert direction from Tomm Jacobsen, Michael Rousselet, and Jon Salmon. The jokes land just as they were meant to; the camp adds to the experience (rather than detracts); and the attempts to recapture the charm of the VHS era are far more likely to induce nostalgia than groans. This is a genuinely entertaining film that works so much better than it should.
Co-writer Owen is surprisingly relatable as twin brothers Brock and Brent. The entire flick rides on his shoulders because every other character is two-dimensional. But Owen grounds Brent and gives the audience reason to stay invested, in spite of the nonsensical nature of absolutely everything that happens around him.
Additionally, the film features a pretty epic villain in Motherface. She is ridiculous but intentionally so. Everything from her dialogue to her appearance is cranked up to comic levels. Her mannerisms and ridiculous one-liners make her as memorable as she is outrageous. Moreover, she features in some truly inspired, extra gory death scenes (employing the use of practical effects, of course).
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Primary characters aside, the flick also benefits from some truly inspired cameos from Larry King and Andrew W.K. Plus, Patton Oswalt appears in a more substantial supporting role and chews up the scenery with aplomb.
Another key to the flick’s success is the filmmakers’ commitment to existing as a period piece. The flick is set in the 1980s and is even presented in full frame ratio with fake retro commercials edited in to give the impression the version of the film you’re watching was taped off a television broadcast and remains the only copy in existence. As someone that grew up in the ‘80s and routinely taped films off the TV, this hits a nostalgic sweet spot for me. The commercials that air for Pizza Goblins and a feminine hygiene product that’s “available wherever douching happens” never cease to make me bust a gut.
If you’ve overlooked Dude Bro Party Massacre III up to this point, please trust me when I say it’s well worth seeking out. It is funny, gory, and sure to strike a nostalgic sweet spot for anyone that misses the heyday of the VHS era. As of the publication of this post, the film is streaming on Tubi for free (with ads) and via Arrow Video’s streaming service. So, give it a look if you’re seeking something light, fun, and totally outrageous.
After you check out the film, be sure to let us know your thoughts on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
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