The Seen and The Unseen – Man Discovers Fossilized Bigfoot Head

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The Seen and The Unseen - Man Discovers Fossilized Bigfoot HeadReaders of the Seen and The Unseen know that I love the “Squatch.” How can you not? Squatches are an icon for all things mysterious and unexplained. In America Bigfoot is our biggest collective “folklore” story that continues to grow.

Hundreds of people scour the woods trying to find that big, lovable biped, and some of them spot something “large, hairy and smelly” (and no, its not the big fat guy in a thong at the beach). All of us want to see a live one, whole and in front of us.

Come on, tell me you wouldn’t be excited if somehow it was proved that Bigfoot exists.

Imagine my interest when I read this article in The Business Standard (wait, what?). Todd May, a private investigator from Utah, found a huge, ape-like skull buried in the desert. He dug it up and announced his findings to the press.

Excitement building… could this be it? How is Mr. May sure? Did he consult a fossil expert? Take it to a university? He saw a Bigfoot once. Cough. *Scratching elbow; looking away.* Yeah, maybe not. Stay tuned for images.

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