New One-Sheet For Lost Coast Tapes in Hiding

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Some new goodies have come in for the cinéma vérité style Bigfoot flick, The Lost Coast Tapes, just in time for the bidding war over who’ll be the ones distributing the flick Stateside.

The Lost Coast Tapes is slated for release this year in the UK, Japan, Benelux, and Scandinavia. Continental Media (sales rep) is hosting a buyers screening on April 12th in Hollywood to determine who will be releasing the film Stateside. “The tale of Bigfoot is an American legend. With the current success of Animal Planet’s ‘Finding Bigfoot’ and the continuing interest in the POV genre, TLCT is ripe with domestic potential,” says Continental Media partner, Matthew Shreder. “We are excited to be introducing this fun and entertaining film to US distributors at this time.”

Check out the new one-sheet and plot crunch below.

Sean Reynolds, an eager television host, is on a mission to debunk famed Bigfoot hunter Carl Drybeck, who claims to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch. When the team arrives in Northern California, they are immediately thrilled — Drybeck’s zealous belief in his hoax is going to make for a wildly entertaining episode of campy-paranormal television.

However, when Drybeck’s hunting partner is mysteriously attacked, the team is left alone, and reality begins to set in. The evidence is stacking up, Drybeck’s theory may not be a hoax, and the existence of Bigfoot might just be the least of their worries.

Shot on location in the region of the world’s largest concentration of Bigfoot sightings and based on the real accounts of locals, THE LOST COAST TAPES reveals a new truth about America’s oldest living legend.

New One-Sheet For Lost Coast Tapes in Hiding

New One-Sheet For Lost Coast Tapes in Hiding

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