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Source Name: Bloody-Disgusting Source Url: Post Thumb: /oct12/pa5.jpg First October 2014, then January 2015, and then sometime in 2016.…

Cover art: reviews/paranormal-activity-the-marked-ones-blu-ray-s.jpg Starring Andrew Jacobs, Jorge Diaz, Gloria Sandoval, Gabrielle Walsh Directed by Christopher Landon Distributed by Paramount The…

Post Thumb: /nov13/paranormal-activity-the-marked-ones-s.jpg A few weeks back we told you about a site that was set up to see if…

Post Thumb: /nov13/paranormal-activity-the-marked-ones-s.jpg A few days back Paramount invited us to a special junket for the release of

Post Thumb: /nov13/paranormal-activity-the-marked-ones-s.jpg You want a cool contest? Here’s a cool contest! In honor of the upcoming release of Paranormal…

Post Thumb: /nov13/paranormal-activity-the-marked-ones-s.jpg Paramount just hit us off with the official trailer for their upcoming home video release of

Source Name: Coming Soon Source Url: Post Thumb: /nov13/paranormal-activity-the-marked-ones-s.jpg Isn’t it amazing how quickly movies hit home video nowadays…

Source Name: Box Office Mojo Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/boxoffice.jpg Is it really all that shocking audiences did not…