7 Found Footage Movies You Can Watch For Free On Youtube [Video]

Youtube is always there for me. I watch a lot of horror movies but don’t spend enough time in some of the subgenres. Specifically, found footage is an area that I need to spend some more time studying because when they’re done right they’re terrifying. However, there are a ton of them out there because they are typically easier to pull off with an indie budget. Because there are so many, I’m looking at speed dating a few but I also have a very tight budget. Which is why I spent some time cruising Youtube. I like free movies because I am a poor and figured some of you might also want to see what’s out there for free.
I present 7 Found Footage Movies You Can Watch For Free On Youtube!
Dead End: Zombie Apocalypse
Directed by Erik Matthews
A deadly plague leads to a zombie apocalypse. A handful of survivors document their efforts to survive. I’m not used to found footage movies going past the 90-minute mark, but I’m a seasoned procrastinator so am not too appalled. I like zombies and free movies so I’m gonna crack open a beer and see what goes on here. Here’s hoping whoever is holding the camera(s) gets the bloodiest deaths because that would be cool to see up close.
Directed by Howie Askins
A guy decides to document his friend’s first camping trip. It’s all fun and games until they find themselves being hunted. I don’t know what’s hunting them, but I need to know right now. This movie sounds like it’s going to validate my stance on not fuxing with the woods. I know almost nothing about this film aside from it had a budget of $12,000. However, I look forward to finding out what’s hunting them and why.
Directed by Ali Akbar Akbar Kama
A documentary crew arrives in a small town to look into a woman who rose from the dead at her funeral. I need to watch this immediately because I have a lot of questions. What did the funeral attendees do when she sat up in her casket? More importantly, did she fake her death just to get out of her student loan debt? Because if so, good for her!
Home Movie
Directed by Christopher Denham
A couple moves their family to Upstate New York for a fresh start. Their twins immediately begin to change for the creepy. I actually watched this one for a different streaming guide last year. I didn’t live but the kids are disturbing standouts in this chaotic family affair. It’s also a little terrifying to realize how long ago 2008 was.
Directed by Kôji Shiraishi
A man decides to investigate a murder that took place at a sightseeing resort. His interviews with the survivors and deeper look into the surrounding circumstances lead him down an unexpected path. I always lose my shit for horror made in Japan and this comes highly recommended from a friend that knows her found footage. I have faith this will be one of best, if not the best, film on this list.
The Tunnel
Directed by Carlo Ledesma
A journalist leads her crew set their sights on the government cover-up of a network of abandoned tunnels. They soon find themselves in danger. One of my goals this year is to check out more Australian horror so this might be serendipity. I’m expecting it to be claustrophobic and stressful like As Above, So Below. Me and my weighted blanket are so ready!
We Are The Missing
Directed By Andrew J.D. Robinson
A drama/horror pseudo-documentary about a family looking for their missing daughter. I stand by my mantra that kids are creepy. I feel like missing kids in horror movies always results in cults and demons. So hearing about this movie makes me a little anxious. It might as well be called, “Get Back In Your Lane, Sharai” because I already know it’s too much for me to handle.
Let me know if you check out any of these found footage finds this weekend at @misssharai.
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