Pervert! (DVD)

Starrring Mary Carey, Sally Jean, Sean Andrews, Darrell Sandeen, Juliette Clark
Directed by Jonathan Yudis
Sex. Gore. Gratuitous nudity. Dismemberment. Voodoo. Slashers. Gay Nazis. If this sounds like a Joe Bob Briggs wrap-up, then you’ve cut straight to the heart of Pervert! – one twisted ride showcasing everything that makes midnight movies great.
Opening with a shot of porn star and California governor candidate Mary Carey running naked with an American flag, Pervert! hits the ground running like the world’s wildest sex comedy. James is a clean-cut city boy who travels out to the desert in hopes to spend the summer bonding with his estranged father, Hezekiah. But to his horror, pops is a crazed Old Testament loving nutcase who has sex with nubile girls and makes meat sculptures. To make matters worse, it all turns bloody when he discovers that the old man’s squeezes are being dispatched by an unseen killer in the desert.
To say any more would be criminal.
Director Jonathon Yudis is a veteran of “Ren & Stimpy”… and it shows. Pervert! moves like a rabid chihuahua on ecstasy, packing in one “Oh shit!” moment after another. This is a flick that’s constantly on the go, jumping from gag-to-gag with loopy camera work, over-the-top acting, jiggling breasts and gallons of blood. And if that weren’t enough, every scene is strung together with a truly warped segue. Y’know the gags when a movie cuts to sexually suggestive stock footage? The filmmakers go through just about every image and even event a few of their own.
Most importantly, the whole thing is pulled of with actual skill. This isn’t just some backyard cheapie about blood and fart jokes. Screenwriter Mike Davis mixes low-brow humor with clever dialogue and Yudis tosses the whole thing into a well-constructed, cartoonish framework. The entire cast (even Carey, who can’t act to save her life) manages to give off that B-movie charm and the whole thing feels like a labor of love rather than a cheap imitation of schlock movies.
A slap-happy dash of Russ Meyer, Sam Raimi, and Troma, Pervert! rises above most low-budget faux-cult films to deliver the genuine goods. Gather your friends and break out the booze. This is one that’s well worth tracking down.

4 out of 5
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