Crimson Dance (Short, 2016)

Starring Tonya Kay, Tiffany Shepis, Michelle Romano
Directed by Patricia Chica
Blood is the essence of life. Whether it’s coursing through our veins or splattered on our walls, ceilings, and bodies en masse, it is an essential need that is taken for granted. Directed by Patricia Chica, Crimson Dance not only puts the spotlight on some very beautiful women, but it also accentuates a growing need for donations.
Listen up, horror fans – this quickie brings a very heavy call-to-action message that should be heeded; however, I’d wait before opening this one up while you’re at work unless your cubicle-mates are into this kind of thing.
The sub-4-minute short opens up with the exquisite Tiffany Shepis reeling in the audience’s attention towards the stage (frankly, any project opening up with Tiffany is well worth the price of admission). Through dim, smoky lights, we see a blonde bombshell (Kay) slowly peeling off her garments, and written against her scantily-clad flesh are the numerous diseases and maladies that warrant the need for blood donation – you see? A little t&a goes a long way… or something like that.
In any event, it’s not long before our headliner is awash in the crimson bath and therefore conveying a very important message – I mean, if you feel as if a trip to the strip club is in order after checking this one out, then by all means go, but what Chica is trying to shove across the table is that donations are essential, appreciated, and most of all, imperative. But hey, there’s nothing wrong with getting a show before you go get your vein lanced.
This quickie is well worth the watch… again and again and… ah well, you get it.