Home Invasion (DVD)

Starring Jason Patric, Natasha Henstridge, Scott Adkins
Directed by David Tennant
Shielded for some unknown reason by a cloak of invisibility, David Tennant’s latest thriller, Home Invasion, literally flew under the radar for quite some time, and with all the best intentions, in the end of all things written…there really wasn’t a reason to keep this film under wraps – let’s dissect, shall we?
Starring Natasha Hentstridge as a lonely housewife named Chloe who’s taking on the responsibility of now caring for her stepson after her husband goes AWOL, and if I may be so frank, I’d like to offer up kudos to Liam Dickinson in his role of the snotty son, Jacob. In basest terms, this kid needed a class A ass-kicking, and I can only applaud his talents for emitting such rottenness out of a teen character. Anyhow, Chloe’s over-the-top high cost security system quickly becomes put to the ultimate test one night when a trio of ultra-violent home invaders decide to come collecting for a safe that was supposedly ripped off from the goons’ boss by her misplaced hubby. Enter Jason Patric as the operator working at the home security company – now I’ve loved Patric’s work for many a moon, but this performance was as generic, uninspired, and zombie-like as I’ve seen in a long time. The only memorable acting here was acting as if he cared about the role, and WOW, did it show. He slumbers through this display providing up-to-the-second details to Chloe and Jacob while they hide during the assailants’ calculated rummage through the home.
As the movie slogs along, the hint of white-knuckled tension slowly disintegrates into loosely-crafted, mundane actions and reactions – we’ve all seen this stuff before, and this invasion simply doesn’t offer anything memorable to mention. Terrified woman, bratty kid, headstrong intruders…all adding up to a movie that could POSSIBLY be passable on an evening when your copy of Panic Room might be skipping in your player, but I’ll honestly toss the caveat curveball out there to all prospective viewers on this one – bypass it.